Painting on the rocks
There’s nothing quite like painting on the beach, with the sounds and smells of the sea, the seaweed and other people enjoying themselves.
One thing I have learnt form painting while stood on the rocks is that no matter how flat you think a rock is, something will always slide off and land in a very tight gap, usually a favourite brush. Does this stop it happening? Of course not!
Nevertheless..having retrieved my now sandy set of watercolours, I spent a lovely hour just interpreting the view in front of me. I watched the creatures in the rockpool slowly going about their business and thought to myself they really have got slow living down to a fine art.
I love the colours at the beach; deep reds and ochres, dark and light greys and today a beautiful green/grey sea. I now have lots of sketches to help me develop a larger painting.
Its a blancing act, but at least it wasn’t windy!
Capturing the surf as it hits the rocks calls for some quick painting techniques.