Rain on the way
With rain forecast today, I went for an earlier walk. The mornings are already darker and the sun was reluctant to make an appearance. The beach was beautifully atmospheric , and as I walked I became aware that the sands are in a constant state of flux; each sand particle is constantly travelling with the ebb and flow of the tides, being carried along without a choice. Nothing stays the same; everything is transient. As human beings, we are the the same to some extent. We can’t have control over everything all of the time and like the seasons, like the wind, the rain, the ocean, our energies fluctuate too.
No two days are the same. Each low tide brings new patterns in the sand...nature's artworks.
For me, this holiday has truly been a retreat. A chance to really break from routine and just give in to how I feel. I have reconnected with nature, the greatest healer, and lived each day at my own pace, setting new intentions in preparation for my return to ‘normal’ life. I will continue to engage with nature and make time to appreciate those special moments of just being.